Paper Prototype Question

My biggest concern is with user navigation. iTunes and Pandora are set up very differently and their users are accustomed to their individuals set ups. It’s likely that this new hybrid software will create confusion. I’m curious if people will mix creating iTunes playlists and Pandora radio stations within iTunes. There are a number of different places a user can currently create iTunes playlists (select file>create playlist or click on the tabbed bar on the left hand side of the screen, etc.) so similarly I think there might be a number of places a user might go to for creating a Pandora radio station. Our prototype will only have one button to create a radio station. It’s hard to say if the results will be accurate because the iPandora button will be taped onto a printout of iTunes, so even if the test subjects choose the button accurately I think it might be because we kind of gave it away. Hopefully the test subjects will give useful feedback on how to create a better user experience and increase usability. It’ll be interesting to see what types of results are produced. If there is a hang up with the button most software when initially installed has pop up bubbles appear that make navigation easy, so I think that could take care of a lot of issues.

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